Elevate your Confluence experience with the AI TextGen Macro plugin. Seamlessly integrate the power of OpenAI’s ChatGPT into your Confluence pages to generate contextually relevant text without ever leaving your workspace.

Key Features

Hassle-free Integration

Simply configure the macro with your OpenAI API key and unlock the potential of ChatGPT.

Time-saving content generation

Write your prompt within the macro configuration and let ChatGPT generate text tailored to your needs.

Streamlined workflow

Enhance collaboration, streamline decision-making, and expedite content creation with AI-powered text generation right within Confluence.

Get Started

To begin harnessing the capabilities of ChatGPT in Confluence, simply install the plugin, and enter your OpenAI API key. Transform your content creation experience and unleash your team’s full potential with the AI TextGen Macro for Confluence.

Available on the Atlassian Marketplace

Try for free for 30 days.

Please note: This plugin requires a valid OpenAI API key to function.